And the weather, sunshine and tee shirts on our way from Queenstown to Te Anau on Friday followed yesterday by rain starting with a light drizzle that developed into a teaming storm on our trip to Milford Sound. There was so much rain that waterfalls emerged everywhere and we could hardly see the snow-capped mountains. It was touch and go whether the Milford Sound cruise would proceed. It did and by the time we reached the Tasman Sea it was sunshine again. And the scenery at Milford Sound was so bad we only took 168 photos.

After the Jet Boat ride today there was nothing to do, so Adrian bought a fishing license. It took longer to buy the licence than to catch a fish. On his second cast he landed a tiddler (a 54cm rainbow trout). And then we had to eat the bloody thing. Not sure whether we can put up with this

Well it seems no one wants to talk to you so I will. Yes I'm enjoying this trip too, getting a bit busy between you & my "American" Daughter though!!!! enjoy yourselves.
Yvonne, nice to hear from you. Remind us what Wen's blog address is.
Some fish..... help with the budget. Wens blog www.ozwen.blogspot.com
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