On Monday we rolled in to Invercargill th

e home of the fastest Indian, Burt Munro, who was featured at the local museum along with the lizard like reptiles the tatauro that are bred there. These creatures survive from dinosaur times and one of the breeding males was claimed to have been born in the late 19th century. Located alongside the museum were impressive gardens that we strolled for a couple of hours. They included an aviary with some of NZ’s and exotic parrots.

It was more nature on Tuesday with a trip across to

Stewart Island, a trip around the bay in a semi-submersible boat and then a guided walk on a nearby island to explore some of NZ’s unique bird and plant life. We saw a Weka in the wild.

Our nature studies continued today with scenic drive through the

Catlins region and on to Dunedin. Along with the shags on the rocks we saw yellow eyed penguins, NZ fur seal, paradise ducks, oyster catchers, blue winged albatross, puketo et al.
We also saw some locals out camping.
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