We arrived in Venice yesterday and took a leisurely stroll through the streets of Venice. Took a romantic gondola ride and saw the homes of Marco Polo and Cassanova. Checked out the Basilica at San Marco. Decided to take the ferry home. Joy got on and left Adrian on the dock. We met up later. Joy taking the ferry around the island and Adrian taking the more scenic tour along the Grand Canal.
Today it was more ferry trips but this time together. We also toured the Palais Ducale: more amazing frescos and artworks as well as impressive armoury. The Palace also includes the bridge of sighs and prison. We also toured a museum before coming back by ferry.
Tomorrow we exit (uscita) Italy.
Oops on our last day in Florence we also saw the Statue of David (only 90 minutes in the queue and then you are not allowed to take photos) Also visited the catacombes of St Sebastion and walked an ancient roman road
Where did this picture come from?
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